The used PTS 1000 Automated Perimeter is a modern diagnostic instrument for precise and fast testing for field of vision. The closed type examination bowl provides a single solution for Goldmann kinetic and static perimetry, the PTS 1000 offers a wide range of strategies and analysis tools combined with an intuitive interface.
• Static and Kinetic testing
• Goldmann stimuli sizes I,II,III,IV,V
• CCD camera alignment view on PC screen with motorized patient
• Trial Lens software calculator, Moveable Trial Lens holder arm with
Myopic/Hyperopic Trial Lens set
• Field tests include Macula 10, 24-2, 30-2, Central 30, Glaucoma 30, 50 degree
and more
• Test strategies include Screening, Advanced Accurate, Advanced
Intermediate, Fast Threshold, Full Threshold
• SWAP test (Blue on Yellow), Foveal Threshold Test
• Red on White test for Toxic Vision Loss
• Absolute Defect, Total Deviation, Pattern Deviation from Age Normative
• Total Deviation Probability and Pattern Deviation Probability from Age
• Mean Defect, Pattern Defect, Mean Deviation and Pattern STD Deviation
• Bebie Curve
• Defects Progress trend analysis graphs of Mean Deviation and Pattern STD
• Reliability indices include False positive. False negative, Fixation errors (HK
or CCD mode)
• Industry standard print can be printed or saved as JPG or PDF for file export
• Print manager allows for customized formats including "Industry" standard
• Network capable PTS-1000 software for exam lane review
Software Options: The PC based software with a MS Windows system has a simple, intuitive user interface with powerful analysis tools and an advanced, fast precise threshold algorithm. Other features include the extended comparison module, Printout Manager and customizing settings. No charge for networking the software.
Printout Manager: The Printout Manager module has the benefit to use a predefined template or custom printouts, depending on your organization needs. The custom option may vary from choosing the content to the layout style.
*Requires PC