Veatch Instruments
Your Complete Ophthalmic Source
for Equipment, Service & Supplies
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Calculate Your ROI Using Digital Practice

The Digital Practice is designed to increase your efficiency.  Our customer’s are reporting significant increases in revenue by eliminating their slow outdated manual refractors and replacing them with a Digital Refractor that integrate with their Pre-test equipment.

"The calculator below has been pre-populated with conservative values. You can overwrite them by entering your own values to estimate your return on investment."

  1. Patient increase per room – Enter the number of additional patients you expect to see per day by automating the exam process. Our customers are reporting an increase in efficiency ranging from 10% to 40%. As an example 10 patients per day with a 10% increase in efficiency would allow you to see 1 more patient per day per exam room.
  2. Enter the number of exam rooms in your practice.
  3. Enter your fee for a comprehensive exam.
  4. Enter the percentage of patients that requires a prescription change.
  5. Enter your average profit per pair of glasses.
  6. Select the calculate button.

Digital Practice Revenue Calculator
